Orlando Shooting – Sad Media Hunger and TLDR Culture

Pic Source: Twitter – Orlando Police

As yet another unfortunate mass murder has occurred, the media couldn’t resist but automatically portray the shooter, Omar Mateen, as a “US citizen of Afghan descent” with “ties to radical Islam.”

Premature labelling obviously leads to horrendous consequences, but allow me to pose a thought experiment for you doubters and Radical Islam afficianados: if the shooter was white/black/Asian…or even had a funky Norwegian name, would the majority of the media call to question his background and ancestry?

Stop jumping to conclusions and TLDRing.

A Storm is Coming to Hillary’s Fight

Cute little photo I found from YouTube

Let’s imagine for a second that come summer, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the lead candidates for their respective parties; what could possible go wrong, since Hillary is viewed in a more “favorable” light compared to the Donald?

Well, remember that tricky little email scandal that our favorite lady had to combat earlier? If she gets even a whiff of an indictment from the FBI (whose recently appointed director is, surprise surprise, a partisan Republican), let the floodgates of Trump brownshirts open up and hellooooo 1984!

*Note: Fox News suck, but remember the case that people are TLDRs, so they watch mass media and go OMG SHE’S INDICTED, WE NEED TRUMP.

Hail to the Chief

China’s One Child Policy Concluding. Ravishing Sexual Encounters Commence?

Pic Source: Newsapi.com Those two are so freakin’ kawaii

Well, it’s not really entirely dismantled, as the Communist government instead now push for a “Two Child Policy“, you know, because the population is aging so fast as to tip the amazing social security net (read sarcasm).

Forced sterilizations, abortions, and hefty fines aside, perhaps the Chinese people can finally have the daughter they so desired, as pointed out by an advertisement showing a kid boy annoyingly sharing his toy with a happy sister.

Let the generic sexual encounters commence and a hundred orgasms explode in the wilderness.

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Ah C’mon North Korea. Why You Gotta Be So Complicated?

Pic Source: College Humor

With the oncoming meeting of U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his Korean counterpart coming up, it seems like a strange thing for Russia to be glaringly flying their jets around the Korean seas so close to the USS Reagan…at the same time as the Russians call North Korea’s nuclear situation “unacceptable.”

All this while South Korea fired a couple of shots into a North Korean vessel and a UN report detailing the massive fortunes gained from 50,000 forced laborers slaving away in other countries.

More and more, the conflict becomes more complicated than a generic Thanksgiving dinner with Donald Trump.

Read more:

And finally for funsies: North Korean women’s sexy fashion style: