imageTo quote the big guy…”OF COURRRSSEEE!!!!!!”

The interview was uploaded onto facebook. Not bad quality either:


This is truly a great piece of nonchalant journalism on the part of TYT, unseen in any mainstream corporate news media.

The Second Democratic Debate Results are in!

The big poll results are in!

Interestingly, while the CBS poll points to Hillary as the winner of the second democratic debate, many online polls clearly signify Bernie as the victor. This interesting dichotomy between the results of major media’s polls versus those of independent online polls continues to persist!

I am very suspicious of CBS’s sampling though. Many Hillary supporters believe that we should trust more the “scientifically” compiled polls of CNN, CBS, MSNBC etc. Do you know what that entails? Here’s the exact quote I pulled out of the website:

This CBS News poll was conducted online using GfK’s web-enabled KnowledgePanel®, a probability-based panel designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The poll was conducted among a nationwide random sample of 674 voters who identified themselves as Democrat or independent who watched the debate.

GfK’s KnowledgePanel®’s participants are initially chosen scientifically by a random selection of telephone numbers and residential addresses. Persons in selected households are then invited by telephone or by mail to participate in the web-enabled KnowledgePanel®. For those who agree to participate, but do not already have Internet access, GfK provides at no cost a device to connect to the internet.
– Taken from CBS website:

When I took a look at the study’s sampling technique, I can hardly tell the difference between its mechanism and those of the independent online polls. They’re basically the same! Random folks from around the country log on to the web and go to sites like Slate and vote their hearts out, regardless of their political affiliation! Can you tell the difference?

My generic opinion: Bernie wins. This is generic because the general public thinks so too.

*Update: Syracuse.com’s polls results show 8000 respondents believing that Bernie won, versus Hillary’s 800!

An Op-Ed on Political Knife Fighting

Pic Source: Cagle

The TIMES had an interesting piece written by Michael Scherer titled “Hillary’s Bulldog.” It details the chronicles of a significant player in USA politics named David Brock. You may or may not have heard of the former journalist of the American Spectator and the founder of Media Matters for America, but the more you dig in on this individual, the more you can see how his life’s work played a major role in shifting public opinion on high-profile characters. You can find the TIMES article here:


Many of us are naive, thinking that national politics can’t possibly descend to the levels seen in movies like the Ides of March, where backstabbing and shady dealings are commonplace in the upper echelons of public service. I mean, surely folks respect the intelligence of the public and their colleagues, no? They can’t possibly have the time and resources to dedicate to purely inflammatory exposure of dirty laundry? Yet, here we are. It may not be as bombastic as Scandal, but it sure as hell is subtle enough to cause legitimate furors among the populace.

Take former right-wing conservative David Brock, for example. His work consists of stories published on exposing Clinton’s affair with Paula Jones (a lady who implicated Bill Clinton in a sexual harassment case during his governorship of Arkansas) and slandering Anita Hill (a famous attorney who attacked then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas on sexual harassment). Now, owing to Brock’s recent shift towards the left, his progressive left-leaning brainchild Media Matters is well-known for pointing out the hypocrisies and strange beliefs of some Republican officials and the general Radical Right supporters.

On a side note, the Clarence Thomas fiasco really sounds like something we have seen on TV lately…*hint*hint* Scandal.

Pic Source: Cagle

What have I learned from reading this article? Well, two things primarily.
Firstly, national politics can be a game and more than involves the political stabbing that Scandal loves to portray. We should not be surprised to see Hillary Clinton’s private email “scandal” be Trumpeted (pun intended) so loudly on mainstream conservative media, because it is a tactic that has been employed since the dawn of the social contract. She herself is no stranger to this strategy, baring in mind that she employed Brock’s services to subtly tackle Jeb “Smart Conservative Principles” Bush and the like. As concerned and enlightened citizens, I think it is fairly easy and obvious to decipher propaganda and legitimate criticisms from one another.

Secondly, the public can be easily swayed by utterly stupid and irrelevant things like SEX. In 21st century America, the secular land of the free and home of the brave; the give me your tired, your poor, and your huddled masses; religion strangely and unsurprisingly plays a dominant role in national politics. On top of that, something as silly as one man’s extramarital sexual innuendos can mean the ruin of any political platform and progress.

Pic Source: Cagle

Don’t get me wrong, I think it was HORRIBLE that Clinton decided to lie about it under oath. Perjury has no place in public service. But take a look at Anthony Weiner (all dick jokes aside). This man was the type who has an extensive pro-choice voting record, advocated and co-sponsored bills to create a single-payer system to expand Medicare for all Americans regardless of age, supported making illegal sales of smokes a federal felony, and openly criticized Republicans for banning additional fund support for 9/11 first responders. For crying out loud, there’s a video of him yelling at an ignorant Jewish shop-owner who attacked Weiner for having an Arab wife (Weiner, himself Jewish, stood up against this horrendous display of racism). For all intents and purposes, Weiner would have been an excellent mayor in service of the New York public had his strange fantasies of sexting ladies been kept secret.

Folks have a problem of separating the private from the public sphere, and herein lies the problem of American politics. It’s not that Americans are easily angered by issues like sex. It’s that irrational, ruthless dog-fighting for power is a thing.

Estonia’s Mayor Not Happy With Fine for Advertisement

Source: Eesti Paevaleht

The Mayor of Tallinn and former acting PM Edgar Savisaar will likely appeal the recent court decision to reject his complaint over a hefty 115,000 euro fine for using public funds on political advertisements.

The poor guy had to have his leg amputated due to an infection! Well, at least that still didn’t stop him from having fun with his instruments…
